User's Empty Void!

Hi! This is my website, go and explore it! Check this place out, it's where I made my website and where I learned basic HTML coding!

This website was created 7/24/2023, or Monday, July 24th, 2023.

This is the guestbook, where you can give me feedback if you don't wanna email me lol. You can also just comment or something if you want.

The person's website that inspired me is Dimdev!

About Me!

I go by a buncha names on the internet, here are the two main names I go by!

I'm pretty much your average person, nothing special or different about me. I'm new to coding. I have nice friends, and I'm in 7th grade. I made this website because I was inspired by dimdev, and I hope to be as good as them. If you haven't clicked on dimdev's link I put up, you should! They have a cool background, really cool interactables, a friendly chat, and more. anyways, I made this website to post my thoughts, kinda like a digital diary, only it's not secret. You can send feedback, tips, and other things at Expect regular changes to the website, like sections being moved around, more blog posts, etc.

this is a page about my personal blogs n' stuff, not introductions. here's where I blog!
